Saturday, March 24, 2012

{kid craft} Clay ornaments for Easter

Remember the clay ornaments we did for Christmas? Well, we figured what worked for Christmas couldn't be so bad for Easter. Just that we did eggs and bunnies instead of snowflakes.

We have had the most unbelievably sunny weather this week, so snowflakes would have seemed just a little bit out of place. Although we've had snow for Easter before. This year I already had to get out the sandals and sunscreen.

The gorgeous weather also means I spend most of my time at home outside or in the kitchen, but rarely at my computer. And I'm just so tired at night that I can't even think straight. But I've started quite a few projects recently and hope to finish up and photograph them so I can post about them. If I manage to get the pictures off the camera and the words into the laptop, that is. So we'll just start with this one, shall we?

We got out some air-drying white clay, rolled it out and used cookie cutters to make eggs and bunnies. Actually, that's all there is to it. But I took pictures anyway. It's what I do.

Add a hole to the top if you want to be able to hang these. That's little brother's favorite part, actually.

Big brother also made a bus. See the wheels?

Then daddy came home and made a fish.

Mommy and kept making a couple more eggs and bunnies. We might color a few of them next week, give the bunnies a face and paint eggs that don't break. We'll see.

While making dinner today I realized that although we had made the clay eggs early in the week, they were still sitting on the tray where I left them to dry. While I had been sitting in the sun. Oops. So I quickly grabbed a couple, added some yellow twine and hung them onto the same twigs we used for our egg carton flowers.

Maybe we'll be painting them. Hopefully we'll wrap some of them up to give as little gifts for Easter. But maybe we'll just go out, play in the sandbox and go for walks in the sun, practicing with little brother's balance bike. But that's a different post.

Hope you all have a sunny weekend!

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